What is the importance of Mint

The quality of mint is also endless. Mint leaves are useful in many ways. Although used as a herb in cooking, there are many other uses of mint. Mint is used in health care, skin care and hair care. Mint cultivation is possible in any corner of the house and there is no need to organize too much. Apart from this, it is not going out at this time; As a result, you can meet your daily needs in the house tree.

Mint leaves are very beneficial for skin, hair and body. A few leaves are enough for any care. Because, overuse can be rather damaging. So you have to understand the right amount and skin type to use mint leaves. 

Mint for glowing skin

Make a pack by mixing two tablespoons of crushed banana and 10 to 12 mint leaf paste. Apply the pack on the skin, wait for 15 to 30 minutes and wash off with cold water. You can use this pack twice a week.

The benefits of the pack

Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B, C and E.  It also contains potassium, lactic, amino acids and zinc.  These three ingredients make the skin moist and smooth.  This pack is very useful to remove skin erosion, acne and acne scars.  In addition, mint and banana micelle keep the skin beautiful and increase radiance.

Mint for acne

Mint leaves work great to get rid of acne very quickly.  Squeeze 10 to 12 mint leaves and mix with one tablespoon of lemon juice to make a mixture.  Apply it on acne, acne affected areas or acne scars and wait for 15 minutes.  Then wash it with cold water.  It can be used once a week.

The benefits of the pack

The salicylic acid of mint and the bleaching ingredients of lemon juice help to remove acne scars.  In addition, the vitamin C in lemon brightens the skin.

What is the important of Mint

Mint for oily skin care

To reduce the oiliness of the skin, 10-12 mint leaves should be mixed with one tablespoon of multani soil, half a table-spoon of honey and half a table-spoon of sour curd.  Continue to mix until thickened.  You can also make sour yogurt at home.

Apply the mixture on the face, wait for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water.  Using it twice a week will help control the oiliness of the skin.  In addition, as a result of mixing mint leaves, minerals are added to it and excess oil is removed and the skin is cleansed.

Mint for dry skin

For dry skin, mix 10 to 12 mint leaves with 2 tablespoons of sour curd and 1 tablespoon of multani soil and make a thick paste.  Apply the pack on the face and wash off with cold water after 20 minutes.  This face pack is very effective in keeping the skin smooth, moist and supple.

Mint leaves in hair care

Mint root juice is very effective as a lice killer, even the leaves.  The juice of mint leaves or roots should be applied at the base of the hair and wrapped in a thin cloth.  After one hour, shampoo and wash your hair.  If you do it at least twice a week, your hair will be lice free within a month.

What is the important of Mint

Mint’s health story

Mint leaf juice helps to open the respiratory tract.  As a result, mint leaves are quite effective in asthma and cough problems.  Boiling mint leaves in hot water, steaming and gargling the water is very beneficial.

Mint leaf juice also acts as an analgesic.  If you have a headache, you can drink mint leaf tea.  Or you can chew some fresh mint leaves.  Applying mint leaves on the joint pain can provide relief.

Mint leaves contain antioxidants and phytonutrients; Which is beneficial for any stomach problem.  If you have digestive problems and stomach ache, you can make a habit of drinking 1 cup of mint leaf tea after meals. 6-7 fresh mint leaves can be boiled in hot water and mixed with honey to make mint tea very easily at home.

Mint has a special property of keeping the body cool. Leave some mint leaves in water for a while and take a bath.

Mint leaves also act as an antibiotic. Boil the dried mint leaves and keep the water in the fridge. Mix 10 to 15 teaspoons of mint water in a bucket of water and take a bath to reduce the bacterial odor in hot weather. The astringent properties of mint relieve itching and allergies.

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